Service Description
BIDS 2016-04
The Township of Livingston is seeking bids for a remodel of the Township Hall located at 3218 Old 27 N. Gaylord, Michigan 49735.
Sealed bids will be received by the Livingston Township Clerk at P.O. Box 1848, Gaylord, Michigan until Noon local time by Friday April 15, 2016. The bids will be publicly read aloud at 6:30 pm on April 25, 2016 at 3218 Old 27 N. Gaylord, MI 49735.
The full Request for Proposal can be found online at or by emailing Norm Brecheisen at or call 989-350-6424.
Bids shall remain firm and shall not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after bid opening.
Livingston Township reserves the right to accept, reject or negotiate any or all bids to waive or not waive informalities or irregularities in the bids or bidding procedures and to accept any bid determined by the County to be in the best interest of the County, regardless of price.
Vendors located in Otsego County receive a 5% cost variance for low bid determination.
Livingston TOWNSHIP HALL, 3218 Old 27 N, Gaylord, MI 49735